Carme Solé Vendrell: Illustrator, painter and sculptor.
Was born in Barcelona 1944. Studies of painting at the Escola Massana of Barcelona. She illustrated her first book in 1968.
She is internationally recognised for her illustrations of children’s books, and she is also the author of some of them.
Among other authors, she has illustrated stories by Gabriel García Márquez, Mercè Rodoreda, Salvador Espriu and Bertold Brecht.
The work that consecrates she internationally is Lluna d’en Joan of which is also the author of the text.
Stand out among other awards, Premio Nacional de Ilustración 1978, Octogone de Fonte 1992, Creu de Sant Jordi 2006, Premi Nacional de Cultura 2012, Nacional de Ilustración Trayectoria 2013, Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes 2021.
In 1997 she held an Anthological Exhibition at the National Museum of Taipei / Taiwan.
In 1992 she began painting children’s faces that are featured in the exhibition Lluna d’en Joan, Palau de la Virreina 2001 and Ibtihal, in Castell de Cornellà in 2006.
2014 after illustrating The Crusade of the Children of Bertold Brecht, she pledges through painting to demand that Children’s rights be respected with the WHY? Campaign.
On her 50 years of artistic career, in 2018, the Government of Catalonia, organises a retrospective exhibition of his work WHY? Per Què / Carme Solé Vendrell, in the Palau Robert of Barcelona.
In 20l8 installation on the Diagonal façade of the Palau Robert de Barcelona.
In 2019 she created the sculpture La més petita de totes commissioned by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the sculpture Alícia commissioned by the Acadèmia Catalana de la Música for the Premis Alícia.
Action WHY? At the Port of Barcelona 2020.