Instagram: @duvan_el_pintor
Duván López (Quimbaya, Colombia 1954), painter, sculptor, and poet, began his artistic activity in Colombia and from 1993 began a period of travel that took him to exhibit in New York, Paris, and Barcelona, where in 1998 he sets his residence. In 2008 he set up his workshop house in Besalú, a medieval village in Girona. In 2009 he promoted the MAQUI (Museum of Art of Armenia and Quindío) in Colombia with a donation of 50 works that is increasing annually.
In 2012 he published his first book “Una mirada que incide” with his poems inspired by the natural parks of Colombia.
It was 2016 when he made a permanent artistic intervention in the Chapel of Sant Martí de Capellada, Besalú (s XII), Spain, currently without worship, creating a space for reflection, a lay chapel, where every year a festival of classical music and cultural events is programmed.
In 2017 the Shengen Peace Foundation selected his sculpture “Silla por la Paz” as its new emblem of the Luxembourg Peace Prize that is awarded annually at the seat of the European Parliament in Luxembourg. He wins the “Artist Award 2019” at the GBAF 2019 “Gimhae Biennale International Art Festival” at Korea, for his work “Calidoscopios”.
In 2019 the Sala Duván it’s inaugurated in his hometown Quimbaya, Quindío where a museum space is projected.
Duván is a member of the “Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona”.